“To Solve a Problem, It Must First Be Named”: my chapter on energy communities

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The main goal of the paper I wrote with Piotr Mikusek was to identify an exemplary list of regulatory barriers that may slow down the development of energy communities.

We discuss these issues with the idea of a barrier register listing certain provisions (a “black list”) that should be excluded from legal practice. With this in mind, we discuss the types of problems that an energy community can face, offer examples of regulatory barriers affecting the development of community energy, and provide a proposal for solving regulatory barriers with the help of a register.

"To solve a problem, it must first be named: A register of regulatory barriers to energy communities" chapter written by Piotr Mikusek and Maciej M. Sokołowski

P. Mikusek, M.M. Sokołowski (2023), “To solve a problem, it must first be named: A register of regulatory barriers to energy communities”. In Energy Cooperatives in Selected Countries of the World: Legal and Economic Aspects, eds A. Suchoń, T. Marzec, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poznań | Google Scholar