Energy communities are already part of the current Japanese energy sector. The enerugīkomyuniti (or enekomi, as I propose to call this type of entities) powered by renewables with an important role played by photovoltaics (PVs), reflect a growing wave of prosumer movements in Japan. This derives from the decrease in the cost of renewable installations, as well as the opportunities for multiple deployments in places previously unable to access renewable energy (such as farms – when ‘farming photovoltaics’ or ‘agrivoltaic systems’ are applied). The establishment of municipal power producers and suppliers (small-scale entities covering local areas), leading to broader popularization and use of distributed energy in Japan has also helped to promote this movement. However, any further development of enekomis requires the appropriate regulatory framework. Japan, which wants to promote the concept of a sustainable regional community internationally, must focus on amore preferential approach to enekomi. Based on the experience of the Member States, the European Union has managed to establish a model that could be implemented in Japan after a suitable adaptation. This applies in particular to the solutions offered to energy communities in Europe with respect to membership, non-discriminatory treatment, barriers, support schemes as well as grid connection and management.